Human Rights
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Human rights matter

Which are most important to British adults?

Water, sanitation and hygiene

Billions of people worldwide still live without these basic facilities

The value of girls' education

What is lost when girls are excluded

Signs of slavery

How you could spot this crime.

Seeking help

Statistics from the Modern Slavery and Exploitation Helpline

If you saw modern slavery...

...would you report it?

Modern slavery worldwide

A problem without boundaries

Modern slavery worldwide: Forced labour

Millions of adults and children are forced work.

What is modern slavery?

Definitions of terms and useful contacts

Modern slavery worldwide: Forced marriage

Millions of people are forced into marriage without their consent.

Myths about modern slavery

Facts to counter false assumptions

Modern Slavery: Victims' Stories

Some examples from cases that reached the courts.

Modern Slavery - victims and exploiters

How people become victims and how they are kept that way.

Victims of modern slavery

Potential victims referred to the home office

The water crisis

Climate change is contributing to a growing water crisis and putting the lives of millions of children at risk.

I'm a conscientious objector

Personal account of a woman who would not contribute towards her country's military campaign

Countries that kill

2022 saw the highest number of executions since 2017

Dignity and the decent facility

Sanitary engineers regard toilets as a health aid. But women know they are more than that

Who's your daddy?

Reflects on how one man disowned the girl he had raised for 16 years after discovering he was not her biological father

Australian dream

A powerful speech condemns the racism of Australian society and pleads for unity.

Why we're debating 1788 and all that

Was Australia 'discovered' by the British or 'invaded' by them? The term used reveals a lot about racial attitudes

School uniform and the law

Is a strict uniform policy good for discipline or a breach of human rights?

In Saudi Arabia, women are confined by technology

In Saudi Arabia, women are treated as legal minors, no matter how old they are

Too young to be a criminal

In the UK our age of criminal responsibility is set too low

Remembrance isn't only about those who fought but also about those who refused

We mustn't let nostalgia get in the way of a real understanding of the costs of war.

The right to offend

The French magazine Charlie Hebdo was rude, crude and offensive. Exactly the qualities which are essential for real freedom of speech.

I was questioned over my harmless snapshot

An innocent picture resulted in questioning by the police

The obese want to have their equality cake and eat it too

Abusing people because they are different is wrong, but those who are overweight can change the way they are

Which countries are free?

Global freedom declined for the 17th consecutive year

Social progress

An index reveals where countries need to improve.


The majority of people believe women should be equal to men, yet many women still don't believe they are treated that way.

Journalists in danger

Every year journalists and their support workers face serious dangers while doing their jobs.

Journalists in prison

More reporters than ever are behind bars

Untouchable, unwelcome and uneducated - why India's poorest children are not receiving an education

Why India's poorest children are not receiving an education

Admit it. You love cheap clothes. And you don't care about child slave labour

Companies,western consumers and India are still turning a blind eye to brutal conditions in garment factories

Is drug taking just a matter for the individual?

Writers from very different backgrounds think it is a matter of personal choice

A cartoonist's response to the Charlie Hebdo attacks

The acclaimed graphic artist and journalist Joe Sacco on the limits of satire - and what it means if Muslims don't find it funny